Sunday, May 29, 2016

End of May 2016 ......... Start June 2016

Wow !!
Almost around half of the years for 2016 !!
Have you forget anythings ?
Have you miss out anythings ?
Mother days just past on May !!
June is for father days !!
Yeah !!

Busy working !!
But remember enjoy life ya !!
Now is school holiday !!
A lot of people go travel and enjoy !!
Happy !!

For me !!
I still got 2 very small kids ...
So no plan anywhere to go first !!
Keep money first !!
Lated they grow bigger !!
Enjoy and travel more easy !!
Happy !!


carmensakura said...

FATHER DAY IS COMING. Aren't you glad? Since you are a father~
True, travel with your kids when they are slightly older. That is a smart choice. But can always find local traveling packages where they say, 2 adults + 2 kids. I think they are cheap . Or maybe, you can buy those packages where 2 kids travel free? Should take them to beach or see our local attraction sites because travelling in our own country is cheaper and it's actually quite nice. Let them know more about their own country.

Yea, I finish degree ady. Yes, it's time to look for a job. Thanks for the encouragement! I plan to stay positive regarding this!

carmensakura said...


I am not angry. Just feeling like saying that all those people who think I couldn't make it or achieve what I want, well, they are wrong. Because I can. So that's all.

It's true. Take small bite. Slowly go. My life has only started. So I should start to move.

Hope you and your family are doing well though. Do take care because I feel like it's been very hot lately.