Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teachers Days

Mother days just frinish only~
I have a good mother days with my parents,
my dear parents and my grand parents too.
Is it a lovely mother days for me ~

Tomorrow is teachers days.
It also a good days for me because i can said thank you to teacher.
May be they are not teaching me .... but they are teachers !!~

Time go so fast.
I slowly grow big and strong ~
No teachers ... i also cannot so smart and good.
No parents .... i also cannot born in this world meet all my lovely friends.

Teachers days, mother days and father days !~
This few days that we cannot miss up !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, where did you bring your parents to travel?? That sounds absolutely great though. When I grow up, I will definitely bring my parents somewhere to travel.

Anyhow, you're right. We need to treasure everyone around us (fathers, mothers & teachers)

I need go thank them. XPP